sabato 9 aprile 2011

Buford, The City With 1 Resident

Often, people living in chaotic cities dream to move to the countryside, looking for a bit of quiet. There's a place in the United States far from traffic, noise and other people. This place is called Buford, Wyoming, which has a population of only one!
Don Sammons, 60, this is the name of the only resident of Buford. The man lives alone on the mountains, 8000 feet of altitude, but it seems he doesn't suffer the loneliness. When necessary, Don goes to the nearest cities. The lonely man moved to Buford from Los Angeles with his wife to escape from the chaos of the City of Angels.
Buford was born in the 19th century, during the building of the Transcontinental Railroad. In that period the residents of Buford were about 2000, they were all workers of the railroad. In the end of the last century, the few remaining workers moved from Buford to bigger cities. When Don's wife died, Buford became similar to a ghost town. When Don's son left Buford, it has became the least populated city in the world, counting only 1 residend.

Buford is an unincorporated community in Albany County, Wyoming, United States. Buford was established during the construction of the Transcontinental Railroad in Wyoming. At this time the town boasted a population of 2000 itinerant workers. As the railroad progressed these workers moved west with the railroad.

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