venerdì 8 aprile 2011

Draw Penis On A Bridge : Awarded !

ST. PETERSBURG - The Russian Ministry of Culture awarded the Russian group of provocative art Voinà with a prize of modern art for a huge penis drawn on a drawbridge located in front of the headquarter of the FSB (Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation), St. Petersburg. The news was reported by the press office of the Contemporary Art Center of the Ministry, which organized the contest, with a prize of 400k rubli(14k US$).
Last September Voinà's members drew a 60-meter penis on the Liteiny Bridge, which rises during the night, showing the penis: the effect is easily imaginable! The award ceremony took place in Moscow, the winners were not there. In the past Voinà realized several performances of protest, which cost the detention of some of the artists of the group.

What can we say in front of a work of art of such a great beauty? No words to describe it, actually I can't understand the sense of this work, they ruined a bridge, it might hurt the sensibility of people, maybe it can be considered rude and maybe it's not the best way to protest, but of course it's very original and originality always awards!

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